雅詩蘭黛粉持久微霧光澤水粉底V.S舊款粉持久+10小時實測 ...
超級興奮!! 要跟大家分享新款粉持久的使用心得😭 還有新舊款粉持久的10小時PK實測喔 看看新舊款到底誰比較厲害🙌🏻
STYLING AUTUMN WINTER TRENDS 2019NEW BAG REVEALSTYLE ONE BRAND FOR A WEEK6 OUTFITS IN ONE WEEKThis video contains a paid for partnership with Jimmy Choo OUR PO BOX HAS CHANGED LYDIA ELISE MILLENPO BOX 7820TOWCESTERNN12 9BU___________________________________________________________________SNAPCHAT LYDIAEMILLEN___________________________________________________________________FEATURED PRODUCTSVARENNE Bowling BlackMAVIS 85 Black___________________________________________________________________WHAT I M WEARINGCORSET OLDOUTFIT TWO OUTFIT THREE OUTFIT FOUR OUTFIT FIVE BELT OLDOUTFIT SIX OUTFIT SEVEN ___MUSIC The music in my videos is from epidemic sound a royalty free music sharing site which you have to pay a monthly fee to be able to access ___________________________________________________________________I USE AFFILIATE LINKSYou as a customer do not pay more because I have used an affiliate link it does not affect you in any way other than a small percentage of the sale may go to the person who generated the link You pay no more no less for buying it s just a couple of pounds goes to the person who influenced sale of the item
超級興奮!! 要跟大家分享新款粉持久的使用心得😭 還有新舊款粉持久的10小時PK實測喔 看看新舊款到底誰比較厲害🙌🏻
In this episode I transform 2 men's shirt into a summer dress and backwards top!
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My top five ideas for creating art as home decor!
アビシニアン仔猫、るかとめるの猫部屋訪問5回目。猫部屋の中を自由に動けるようになってきた。先住猫が自ら匂いを嗅ぎに行く様子がみられるようになったが、まだまだ距離は遠そうだ。 猫部屋 Live配信中!http://www.youtube.com/user/kam...
In today’s episode of Little But Fierce, we have Hope the tiny turtle who was born with her heart exposed. This has never been see...
オーブンいらずでレンジがあれば簡単に作れます!(^^)! モンブラン用の口金は少々高いので、なければ生クリーム用の口金で代用しても大丈夫ですよ♪ 因みに、スティックチョコレートはダイソーの型を使用し作ったものです^^
В этом видео мы сделаем винтажный дизайн ногтей “ледяные вензеля, с помощью гель лака, техники дизайна ногтей бархатный песок и же...
【蘿潔塔的廚房】如何處理蝦子,讓蝦子更好吃?試試看這做法吧! How to peel and devein shrimp.
Here, celebrity hairdresser Sam McKnight has joined forces with Get the Gloss to bring you the first in a series of iconic hair vi...
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