[SUB] VLOG 27 하루세끼, 까르보나라와 비지찌개 : What I eat in a day, carbonara and biji-jjigae | Honeykki 꿀키

by 꿀키honeykki

[SUB] VLOG 27 하루세끼, 까르보나라와 비지찌개 : What I eat in a day, carbonara and biji-jjigae | Honeykki 꿀키


이제 진짜 겨울이네요 너무 추워서 이불속에만 있고싶어요 이번주에는 가래떡구이 까르보나라 그리고 비지찌개를 해먹었어요 겨울이 되니 갑자기 식욕이 왕성해지는 느낌같은 느낌 그럼 즐거운 주말되세요 Today s video is about what I eat in a day I made 3 dishes grilled garae tteok carbonara and biji jjigae Have a nice weekend Garae tteok is made with rice It is conventionally called rice cake but I think it sounds a bit off So I m using romanization On YouTube subscribers can add their own CC If you want to share this video in another language you can do so by adding them in the SETTING bottom right subtitles add subtitles Music 꿀키의 맛있는 테이블TWITTER honeykkicookINSTAGRAM honey_kkiE MAIL andrabbit naver com이 영상의 다운로드 및 2차 편집을 금지합니다



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