Blue Berry Cheese Cake (Homema...
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The doughnut or donut if you prefer might just be a round thing but it s way more versatile than you might think Just check these out Super Cute Christmas Animal Doughnuts Once you have mastered the basics there is no end to your possible animalisations that s a word right Recipe 140g soft unsalted butter110g caster sugar2 lg eggs215g plain flour3 4 tsp baking powder1 4 tsp bicarbonate of soda1 4 tsp salt1 4 tsp nutmeg1 tsp cinnamon1 tsp ground ginger120g buttermilkTo decorate about 150 200g each of melted Milk and White chocolate superwhite powder add a tiny amount of cocoa butter to keep it looser Sugarpaste modelling paste in various coloursEdible paint or food colour gel mixed with a little alcohol SUBSCRIBE FOR WEEKLY VIDS MY INSTAGRAM cupcakejemmaCAKESTAGRAM crumbsanddoiliesVISIT OUR SHOP Crumbs Doilies1 Kingly CourtLondonW1B 5PW
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에뛰드 베이크하우스와 함께하는 가을 데일리 음영 메이크업! 일상 속 가을의 무드를 흠뻑, 포니와 함께하세요 :)
仕切りポーチ作り方 バッグの中の整理に使えるファスナーポーチ Twin Pouch Tutorial Double zip pouch
BRAVE Guy Rescues Skunk While Wearing a Suit | This guy was dressed up for an important meeting when his commute turned into a sku...
庭に来た鳥、見た目はサギっぽかったけどサギは飛ぶ時に首を曲げるものだと父に聞いた🧐 あの首を伸ばして飛ぶサギっぽい鳥の名前が分かる方はぜひコメント欄で教えてください🐥
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こんにちはLes sens cielです。 今回は濃厚なチーズケーキにベリーを使ったチーズケーキを作ってみました。トロッとコクがあるのにベリーの爽やかさがすっきりと味わえます♪色味もピンク色に可愛らしく仕上がるので、お誕生日やお祝い事にいかがでしょうか? 今回...
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Top 20 Highlights of Animals on Vine - FUNNY Cats Dogs #Cute Cat and Dog
My First Doodle Book! KAWAII DOODLE CLASS:
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