TAIWANESE BBQ - HUGE Aboriginal Pig Roast + STREET FOOD in Taiwan | Taiwanese Street Food in Hualien

by Luke Martin

TAIWANESE BBQ - HUGE Aboriginal Pig Roast + STREET FOOD in Taiwan | Taiwanese Street Food in Hualien


Incredible RARE Full Pig Taiwanese Aboriginal BBQ STREET FOODHualien Taiwan is an oasis of interesting unique and delicious Taiwanese specialties In this video we had the rare opportunity to witness a 4 hour long pig roast that originated from the Taiwanese Indigenous groups In particular the Amis Tribe from Hualien area The long process includes marinating the pig skin with rice wine to make the skin flavourful and crackling The chef explains in the video the process of roasting the pig which takes over 4 hours of constant rotation In this video we also sample Taiwanese buns including xiao long bao a unique version of shaved ice and many other delicious items from the Taiwanese BBQ event If you would like to visit yourself here are the locations 1 Breakfast at Gong Zheng Bao Zi Shop No 199 2 Zhongshan Road Hualien City Taiwan 970 2 Shaved Ice at 五霸焦糖包心粉圓冰 No 165 Bo ai Road Hualien City Taiwan 9703 Pig Roast Taiwanese BBQ at Yun Shan Shuei Ecological Farm No 20 Section 2 Fengping Road Shoufeng Township Hualien County 974 The pig roast requires prior reservation over the phone and Chinese language ability is required to make the reservation If you would like to make a reservation email us at chopsticktravel gmail com TAIWAN STREETFOOD TAIWANESEBBQ Hey there my name s Luke Martin with www chopsticktravel com I m on a journey to document the BEST Street Food around the world Chopstick Travels began in Taiwan where we frequent the best Street Food stands everywhere from Taipei to Kaohsiung Not only do we feast on amazing street food in Taiwan but our food focused travels take us on Street Food missions trying unique foods around the world We ve eaten Street Food in Japan Street Food in Malaysia Street Food in Korea Street Food in India and many more I post 2 times a week mostly food some travel Street Food tours around the world and the most unique dishes we can find in all kinds of hole in the wall restaurants Stay updated for my latest video VIA our Facebook page and Instagram Always remember that the best part of travel is immersing yourself in the local culture and no where better can you immerse yourself than into the Street Food Hualien Taiwan Taiwanese Street Food 2018




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