
Oil Painting Tips & Techniques...

  • by Lachri Fine Art 1443

See how to blend and layer oil paint to create a realistic looking red eyed tree frog and fireflies! I'm painting a grisaille unde...

식빵 과일 생크림 케이크 만들기 : White brea...

  • by Cooking tree 쿠킹트리 1353

식빵을 이용해 노오븐으로 간단하게 과일 생크림 케이크를 만들었어요~ ▼▽▼▽구독하고~ 좋아요!누르고 공유 부탁드려요!^^▼▽▼▽ 더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥For more detailed rec...

Ceramic article summary - Clay...

  • by FireVerse Ceramics 1274

A video based on the 'Clay Memory and Movement' article on my website, focusing on clay shrinkage. This summarises the key points...


  • by PortobelloMarket多肉チャンネル 616

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