
Tiny Hamster in his Tiny Kitch...

  • by VanillaHamHam 1768

Tiny hamster in his tiny kitchen is back... In his newly renovated kitchen! I had a lot of plans for this video, but this is all t...

UniKorn獨角獸專業美甲教學 Swarovski水晶砂+...

  • by UniKorn Nails 獨角獸專業美甲教學 1598

最近有很多學生私訊凱莉老師來詢問課程 今天幫大家整理了我們 比較特別的課程給大家分享一下... 1. 美甲創業全修班: 包含保養 壓克力彩繪 雕花 凝膠 快速美甲技巧 設計課程 「基本上除了水晶指甲 其他都有包含」 這個課程是比較適合想要創業的未來美甲師們 最...

Embroidery:Decorative Stitches...

  • by Malina GM Embroidery 693

Decorative stitches by hand step by step Embroidery is suitable for home design and design clothes. Fabric: no stretch, cotton Thr...