
Cat Stunned By Thunderstorm

  • by smoothiethecat 1215

After a few record-breaking days of heat, there was a big thunderstorm going on. Smoothie didn't really know what to make of it. S...


  • by Beadaholique 1350 - 在這個視頻,你會看到如何使用錐形珠織造技術容納摻入引人注目士切利尼螺旋焦成項鍊使用珠帽,鏈,和一個扣鉤的。

Bolu Gulung Papan Catur Merah ...

  • by Suka Suka Amel 703

Bolu Gulung Papan Catur Merah Putih Bahan A: 75 gr unsalted butter (Anchor) 100 ml susu cair tawar (Indomilk) 80 gr terigu protein...

Cute Baby Wolf Puppy Playing a...

  • by San Diego Zoo 1261

A playful two-month-old grey wolf pup is spending time in the Children's Zoo nursery at the San Diego Zoo. The 23-pound pup, named...


  • by かじえりチャンネル 506

先日私も大事なシーンがございまして ご両親に挨拶に行く機会がありました! その時に実際やったヘアメイクです。 ちょっと長いですが少しでも参考になると嬉しいです!