
[AD] 日本女生愛用的產品其實是...(屈臣氏購物送台北-...

  • by 沛莉 Peri Makeup 944

哈哈哈~來看我演出的廣告(羞)咦?新上市的好自在液體衛生棉用過沒?還有很多日本暢銷單品,台灣也有賣囉!還有個好康是9/28前,只要在屈臣氏的實體或網路商店購買P&G商品滿$299即可抽台北-東京來回機票! 好康傳送門 ➡️

Husky First Time Grooming Prof...

  • by Gone to the Snow Dogs 1138

Husky Puppy Kira gets groomed and her Husky Coat blown out for the first time by a professional groomer! Do Huskies Shed? They s...

개 잘막는 강아지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • by ᄋᄉᄉᄋ Tube 1250

영상이 맘에 드셨다면 좋아요와 구독하기를 눌러 보세요. 다양한 영상을 만나실수 있습니다. ㅇㅅㅅㅇ: Kevin MacLeod의 Bea...

Best Halloween Food Ideas of 2...

  • by Craft Factory 1690

We all know that food is the best part of Halloween. Yes, there are costumes, house decorations, and parties. However, what we all...