

  • by 10 Cats.ᐩ 1588


Como pintar mandalas con acríl...

  • by coloreando.ando.yo 1308

En este video de como pintar mandalas con acrílicos os voy a enseñar como hacer un atrapasueños (dreamcatcher) usando la técnica d...

Cat Stunned By Thunderstorm

  • by smoothiethecat 1223

After a few record-breaking days of heat, there was a big thunderstorm going on. Smoothie didn't really know what to make of it. S...

Dollar Store Bead Embroidery A...

  • by TurtleSoupBeads 708

If your curious about beading and bead embroidery but don't want to make a large investment to try it some in expensive dollar sto...

かまってほしい柴犬と空気を読んだ黒猫 Jealous Dog...

  • by Momo and Tenももと天 776

もも「なんで天がパパに抱っこされてるの!?」 天「歩いてたら捕まった」 もも「ももだって抱っこされたいのにぃいいいい!」 天「どうぞ」ヒョイッ もも「なんか、、、大人げなくてごめん(´・ω・`)」 天「いいよ(いつものことだし)」