Urban Graffiti Acrygel Colour ...
Hey, guys. In today's video, I am going to be showing you a swatch using all of the Acrygel's that are currently available. OMG! H...
В видео показываю готовые новогодние дизайны в разных техниках вышивка крестиком бисером лентами и хардангер С наступающим 2018 годом
Hey, guys. In today's video, I am going to be showing you a swatch using all of the Acrygel's that are currently available. OMG! H...
紗々みたいな柔らかすぎるミルクパン♪ | Soft and Fluffy Milk Bread
HEY EVERYONE!!! Over the last month Manny and I have been traveling the world celebrating and promoting our collaboration!!!! Here...
↓是非チャンネル登録宜しくお願いします! https://goo.gl/6BYhcn
In today's video we are creating more of a neutral/wearable look using the new Shane Dawson x Jeffree Star Conspiracy Palette!! Th...
革紐でカゴを編んでみた😂✨ このバスケットタイプなら 簡単でした😊 カゴ職人なれる!?🤣💕
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