
by 曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes



Introduction 曼食慢语 翻了翻自己最近的节目 发现很久没有炖汤喝了 据说现在 小仙女 已经不流行了 大家喜欢的是 精致的猪猪女孩 所以今天的节目里 我想给大家炖一碗有芋头有花生有黄豆的猪脚 jio 汤 满满一锅黏嘴的胶原 一口汤回到16岁 Ingredients 芋头花生猪脚汤 猪蹄600g花生50g黄豆50g芋头400g姜一大块料酒2大勺盐白胡椒 stewed pig s feet with taro and peanuts 600g pig s feet50g peanuts50g soybean400g taroa piece of ginger2 tbsp shaoxing winesaltwhite pepper Latest Video Gingerbread ancient tower One pot chicken stew Oden Matcha Mousse Cake Fried fish cake Chicken hot pot Soy milk custard cake 淘宝店铺 曼食慢语新浪微博 Amanda的小厨房微信公众号 amandatastes



Jamie is Leaving us for a few ...

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Jamie is leaving us for a few days and heading back to Canada for a snowmobile and fishing trip! So the dogs and I will be home ...

Gothic Calligraphy For Beginne...

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Here there is a new old english font (gothic calligraphy) lessons for everyone. Check out my other lesoosn for more. If you've go...