クリスマスイブという名の普通の朝 Morning of the Christmas Eve

by ももと天 Momo and Ten

クリスマスイブという名の普通の朝 Morning of the Christmas Eve




485 2nd Attempt At Metallic Go...

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Pearl pour For this pearl pour, I used 2 parts Floetrol to 1 part Liquitex Basics paints with a splash of water. I mixed Decoart S...

PLAN WITH ME | August 2018 Bul...

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Here’s my August 2018 Bullet Journal Setup & Plan with me! All links and supplies are down here! ------- CHECK OUT CHRISTINE’S SET...

Conversa sobre pontos: Cinco d...

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Renata e Vanessa conversam sobre o processo criativo para representar a carta cinco de espadas com bordado e aquarela, contando so...