
by annas川畑杏奈



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Grant Bit Off His Acrylic Nail...

  • by Nail Career Education 1451

Grant bit off his acrylic nails, but Suzie is going to make them beautiful again with Mood Changing Acrylic, and Gel Polish Stampi...


  • by 少ない物ですっきり暮らす 760

【注意喚起】苛性ソーダの使用について。 動画内で精製水と苛性ソーダを混ぜ合わせる工程がございますが、動画内では一気に流し込んでいますが、正しくは、少量の苛性ソーダをゆっくりと加えるが正しいそうです。一気に入れると突沸の恐れがあり苛性ソーダが飛散する可能性もある...

Hand embroidery for beginners ...

  • by Baroudi Broderie 1055

This is a video about Hand embroidery stitches for beginners- I made 14 basic stitches with drawing explanations, this is the firs...

Efecto DRAGÓN con ESPUMA en U...

  • by Melisa Rocha 978

Hola 🧡 bienvenid@s a un nuevo video 💅🏻 me han pedido mucho que suba el video de efecto dragón en las uñas con espuma, así que hoy ...

My Favorite Opaque Pens & Tips...

  • by Sea Lemon 2033

The first 500 people to click can get two free months of Skillshare Premium: http://skl.sh/sealemon ♡ Subscribe + hit the bell to ...