
by さぁや saaya



サブチャンネル さやぴんく さぁや2nd Twitter Instagram



Hirts Gardens HOUSEPLANT unbox...

  • by Plant Dust Woman 775

Hi everyone! Hope you are having an amazing day! Here is an unboxing of my order from Hirt's Gardens! I hope you enjoy it! Over al...

Starting a K-Pop Journal! (BTS...

  • by AmandaRachLee 1221

you guys have been asking me to do this for SO long so i finally did it! I started a K-Pop Journal! I hope you guys enjoyed listen...


  • by Great Big Story 1290


The garlic butter pasta sauce ...

  • by Marion's Kitchen 1062

My spicy garlic butter pasta sauce breaks all the rules. It's kind of Italian but mostly Asian LOL. Creamy, luscious and oh so goo...

King Crab Sandwich

  • by ByronTalbott 3106

You could say that this is the "King" of sandwiches for obvious reasons, but in all seriousness this has to be one of the most ten...