Protective Dog Dad Wont Let An...
Protective Dog Dad Won't Let Anyone Near His Puppy | This dog dad is SO protective of his little girl.
I tried to come up with a quick dessert recipe that brings out the freshness and nutritional goodness of kiwis I love it yummy 材料を順に混ぜていくだけのキウイとヨーグルトたっぷりの爽やかなケーキです 以前upした林檎のヨーグルトケーキをアレンジしてキウイケーキにしました バターなしのサラダ油レシピで 材料を順に混ぜていくだけでとっても簡単に出来ます 焼きたてもジューシーで美味しいですが 一晩冷蔵庫で冷やして食べるのもおススメです プレゼント用にはマドレーヌ型などに入れて焼くとラッピングもしやすくてお洒落なスイーツになります チャンネル登録お願いします Subscribe to my channel Ingredients 7 9 7 9inch 20 20cm Square Cake Pan3 kiwi 3 eggs 80g vegetable oil 100g cane sugar 150g plain yogurt 160g Cake flour 4g Baking powder 材料 20cm 角型キウイ3個 卵 3個サラダ油 80gきび砂糖 100gプレーンヨーグルト 150g薄力粉 160gベーキングパウダー 4g
Protective Dog Dad Won't Let Anyone Near His Puppy | This dog dad is SO protective of his little girl.
做了非常可口的午餐! 香香&嫩嫩&Juicy的雞排跟 和風口味的清爽沙沙醬太棒了! 裝在Lunch Plate上就可以享受 咖啡餐廳級的美味喔~!(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و
Mom cat was playing with her kitten at the beginning, but after other kitten came and they began to play together unbelievably cut...
Discover how to create simple beach waves using Kérastase's buildable texture spray, Spray A Porter, and a flat iron. No beach nec...
큰맘먹고(큰비용 ㅜㅜ) 8코기들 건강검진을 했는데 시작과 동시에 병원 복도를 접수 해 버렸습니다. ;; 어딜가나 규모가 규모인지라.. 배려해 주시는 분들께 늘 감사한 마음입니다. 꾸벅..🙇🏻♀️
Rescue Koala Joey Under His Exhausted Mom On Plantation Floor
Quick and easy curls using a hair straightener. Plus a really helpful trick for making the curl work every time! Thank you to Dys...
Remember when I used to get tutorials posted within a week of an MV being released? 😂🙈 Good times. Sorry there's been a bit of a w...
可惡!我剛剛上傳的影片離奇消失~我再傳一次 ((淚奔 快來訂閱我吧► 追蹤我的生活►FB: ►IG:
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