I rated your New York thrift recommendations | WITHWENDY

by withwendy

I rated your New York thrift recommendations | WITHWENDY


Here are the locations I visited add me withwendyedited by music by MusicbedHi I m Wendy and I am on a sewing journey via DIY videos that teach you how to sew your own clothes Subscribe if you d like to get inspiration and learn the tips and tricks I discover Thanks for watching madewithwendy



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**수정합니다** 4:10 부분에 스트레이트 스티치가 아닌 백스티치입니다! 첫 영상이라 정신이 없었나봐요! ;; ㅠㅠ 부디 영상 보시면서 착오없이 수 놓으시길 바래요! **************


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HELP HOMELESS ANIMALS AND WIN A PRIZE BY CHOOSING AN AWESOME ITEM FROM OUR STORE: https://fanjoy.co/collections/tiger-productions ...

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