Reuben the Bulldog: Patience W...
It's not always easy dealing with family. Especially when they're human.... and they talk a lot.
It's not always easy dealing with family. Especially when they're human.... and they talk a lot.
Hi fam ❤️Today we are taking a first look at the v dramatic and polarizing Becca NO PIGMENT virutal foundation ... what are your t...
訂閱夢露🔎 我的INSTAGRAM🔎myladymonroe IG追起來🔎
We made a cream cheese pudding that almost looks like a plastic food sample with maple syrup just being poured over. The pudding i...
OPEN ME! I love rose water and have researching it like a mad man! So in today's video I talk about what true rose water is, why i...
사랑에 빠진 모모의 영상을 만들어봤어요. 아무래도 모모는 라라를 좋아하는 것 같아요. 과연 라라는 모모의 마음을 받아줄까요?
#BikinRelax #EsChocolatos
"Why not start by changing from within? You could try doing things you don't normally do, yes?"
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