DEEP Chinese Street Food Tour in Sichuan, China | BEST BRAIN + RABBIT (Spicy ADVENTURE)

by The Food Ranger

DEEP Chinese Street Food Tour in Sichuan, China | BEST BRAIN + RABBIT (Spicy ADVENTURE)


Street Food Chinese Street Food BEST Street food in China We re going on a BEST CHINESE STREET FOOD Tour of Sichuan and today we are adventuring through Sichuan in search of the spiciest and best street food places in the city We traveled to the SPICIEST Sichuan city to taste and eat the best and spiciest street food in China In this street food tour we had 5 super delicious and local Chinese street foods First up we went to a local authentic deep BREAKFAST joint and tried a few very delicious Chinese Breakfast fried pastries and street foods After that we went to a local market to explore and adventure through the thousands of Sichuan ingredients on display and then travelled by bus to a nearby ancient town for lunch Actually we ate at two street food lunch spots In Sichuan China you can eat some of the best street food around the world it s so spicy it s so flavourful and it s incredibly fragrant known as Xiang Sichuan street food in Zigong is extremely spicy The two lunch spots we visited had some amazing street food The first place had a delicious street yangroutang AKA lamb soup and the second place served up some delicious pig brain frog and fish eggs Both places were in this beautiful ancient village that you can enjoy strolling through and enjoying the scenery and of course delicious street food restaurants There were so many authentic Chinese recipes that the chefs were making it will blow you away All of it had an amazing home cooked flavour When you come this DEEp in Sichuan the food gets spicier and spicier as you go so make sure to prepare yourself cause sometimes it gets super hot To finish the day off we went into the back of a little neighbourhood and enjoyed some amazing rabbit in a bowl It was so spicy and fragrant because it had a bunch of mushrooms and roast peanuts inside You can follow along this whole tea horse road series as we travel through China on a 6 week street food tour and Chinese cuisine journey all the way through Sichuan and then down south into Yunnan to eat and taste the best authentic and spiciest street foods enjoying the company of friendly locals along the way This is why China is the best place for street food in the world there is so much to try If you re thinking of traveling through China for street food or even living in China you could move here just for the food you really must explore Sichuan s deep markets and back streets There really is a lifetime worth of food and ingredients to cook delicious recipes with Come hungry with an open mind to chat with locals and have a good time It helps if you study a little bit of mandarin first The locals are all so friendly Here in China Chinese street food and Chinese cuisine is so varied and abundant and diverse that you couldn t eat it in your whole lifetime We consider ourselves very lucky to be able to live in Chengdu Sichuan eating delicious Sichuan street food and tasting new and enticing street foods almost every day Here are the addresses for the street foods in this video 1 DEEP Chinese Breakfast Joint 早餐 四川自贡市马冲口农贸市场2 Homemade Chinese Lamb Soup in the old ancient village on the tea horse road 羊肉汤 四川自贡市艾叶镇平康路72号长安羊肉汤3 Pig brain frog and fish eggs in the old ancient Chinese village on the tea horse road 午饭 四川自贡市艾叶镇韭菜咀街165号九九家常菜4 Super delicious pork spare ribs下午菜 四川自贡市汇川路686号5 Amazing Rabbit pot晚饭 四川自贡市同兴路93号附38食神又名厕所兔ABOUT THE FOOD RANGER My name is Trevor James and I m a hungry traveler and Mandarin learner that s currently living in Chengdu Szechuan China eating up as much delicious I enjoy tasting and documenting as many dishes as I can and I m going to make videos for YOU along the way Over the next few years I m going to travel around the world and document as much food as I can for you I love delicious food This channel will show you real Chinese food and real local food not that stuff they serve in the Buzzfeed challenge Thanks for watching and please feel free to leave a comment suggestion or critique in the comments below Please make sure to subscribe it s the best way to keep my videos in your feed and give me a thumbs up too if you liked this food video thanks I appreciate it You could also share the video too if you liked it that would be awesome



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