Mornings are Never Dull With 53 Baby Goats!

by Sunflower Farm Creamery

Mornings are Never Dull With 53 Baby Goats!


Every morning is an adventure on a goat farm They do so many funny things during morning chores it is impossible to capture all the shenanigans but this is a little taste of the fun Dakota has learned how to escape the kid stall at night to be with her mom I am just letting it go because as a new grandma I am a big softy and I think it s cute Tess boy s love to jump on her back and our tiniest goat Lennie nurses every chance he gets like when Tess is distracted by breakfast A couple goats who have lots of siblings get a bottle of the morning s milk if they want it and two have learned to stand on their back feet like acrobats to get the most milk To use this video in a commercial player or broadcast please email licensing storyful com



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