Hey loves! I hope you enjoy this tutorial, it's super fun and easy. Also, I know it's fall, this is my last bikini tutorial this y...
Hi guys Today I ll be doodling leaves by using up left over paint on my palette I find that it s a fun and relaxing way to doodle with watercolours without having any expectations of how the painting should come out I also used my pentel watercolours here so the colours are more on the brighter side D I hope you guys enjoy this one Happy painting I ve set the community contributions on for this video for you guys who are willing to add on subtitles Thank you so much for your constant help and support _ Follow me on skillshare for free 2 months membership Subscribe www youtube com c nianiani Follow me on instagram ig_nianianiTOOLS Brush Reeve size 14Paint PentelPaper Canson MontvalMUSIC Checkmate by Nathan Moore from YouTube Audio Library
Hey loves! I hope you enjoy this tutorial, it's super fun and easy. Also, I know it's fall, this is my last bikini tutorial this y...
對應文章: 廠商資訊: 悅色美甲 Fine Color Nails 官方購物網 www.finecol...
Learn How To Make Mini Bread Samosa Recipe In Hindi In A Healthy Way from our Chef Nupur Sampat. Make this healthy recipe of ब्रेड...
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석계역에 가면 먹을수 있는 성실버거 - 쉑존 토스트 계란 + 치즈 + 소세지 등 정말 많이 들어가네요. 7~8월에만 아무래도 날씨가 덥고, 학생들이 방학해서 일시적으로 하는 할인 행사라고 합니다. 9월부터는 내용물을 더 추가해서 3천...
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오늘은 디디와 코코가 목욕을 했어요. 디디와 코코는 정말 어른 고양이가 되었는지 점잖게 목욕을 마칠 수 있었어요. 그런데 목욕 중에 모모와 라라에게 놀라운 일이 생겼어요! 정말 라라가 모모의 마음을 받아주는 걸까요?
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