Merry Christmas! I got a super easy DIY christmas EDIBLE centerpiece for all of you. These tree towers can be sweet or savory and...
Hello lovelies here is a small painting on palm tree silhouettes I didn t really like the sun coming through them lol but i guess it just makes room to improve and lessons to be learnt I thought I would still upload this video anyway so that maybe in the future when I m better you can all see my progress The tools that I used in this video are 300gsm Canson cold pressed watercolor paper Saint Gobain yellow tape Monte Marte round acrylic brush gallery series Winsor and Newton watercolor pan set Art Spectrum white gouacheThank you for watching my video I love reading all your lovely comments so let me know if this video helped you Search for merch with my prints on them on my RedBubbleSearch for artbybee7 or follow this link CONNECT WITH ME on my social media Instagram artbybee7Snapchat missbee_7Business Enquiries artbybee7 gmail comMusic Kyle Landry Shigatsu Wa Kimi
Merry Christmas! I got a super easy DIY christmas EDIBLE centerpiece for all of you. These tree towers can be sweet or savory and...
壽喜燒一定要用傳統的sukiyaki鍋才可以吃? 當然不用!使用平底鍋也可以享受 超級好吃的日本地道壽喜燒! 在廚房簡單吃也沒問題~!(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و
チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします★ ■Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!
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今回は セリアのラメを使って キラキラつまみ細工を作ります(^-^) ご興味のある方は是非ご覧ください!
お気に入りのTHREEの下地がなくなってしまったため 新しく下地を探してきたよ!♡
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這次的年度愛用保養品真的是一整年的精華,因為上半年度沒有分享這個主題,所以這次的一定要看 ❤️這次整理出了我的舊愛 & 新歡~真的都是精華中的精華!要好好收藏這集 哈哈
あわちゃんLINE始めたよ! ライブ配信後は、キーワードで話しかけてくれればささやかですがプレゼントが出ますよ♪ https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40uuc2429h
블루베리 치즈케이크 안에 파운드 케이크가 들어 있는 케이크를 만들었어요~ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the do...
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