Holiday Card Series 2019 – Day...
Day 8 of the Holiday Card Series 2019. The series consists of 25 holiday card videos on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week...
Dear Oversea Viewers Thank you for watching my video everytime I would like you to know more about our Japanese seafood Because Japan is a country surrounded by the seas various seafood gather here We will continue to add English subtitles from past videos time to time It might take a while to complete all videos but please wait Again thank for watching my Video and I really appriciate you 海外視聴者の皆様 いつも動画見てくれてありがとうございます 日本のシーフードの魅力をもっともっと知ってほしい 日本は海に囲まれた国 いろんなシーフードが集まります 英語字幕を随時過去の動画からつけています 少しペースは遅いですが 待っててください いつもありがとう 感謝します ファンサイト プレゼント お手紙などの宛先はこちら 生物 冷蔵便は受け取りができません 153 0042東京都目黒区青葉台3 6 28住友不動産青葉台タワー2F きまぐれクック 宛 お仕事の依頼等 kimagure_cook kiii co jp こちらの にしやんFishingClub でも かねこ として出演しております コチラもよろしくお願いします
Day 8 of the Holiday Card Series 2019. The series consists of 25 holiday card videos on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week...
初のスタイルブック『かわにしみきの…』発売中! ➡︎
小貓打完預防針了! 終於可以洗澡囉~~
Meet your new late-night supper fix, guaranteed to upset all of Asia and Italy at the same time! Get the recipe here: http://www.d...
- 3월부터 제철을 맞는 주꾸미는 여러 조리 방법이 있지만, 역시 가장 맛있는 건 주꾸미볶음 같아요. 맛있게 매운 양념에 익어가는 모습을 보고만 있어도 침샘을 자극하는데요~ 콜레스테롤 감소와 피로회복에도 좋다고 하니, 주꾸미로 봄 건...
うさぎのポポちゃん育成日記 ★子ウサギが連続パンチしてきたから〇〇〇〇して返り討ちにしたった
Today, Kenny makes his most complicated design yet with FIVE layers of bumblebee goodness! This video is a bit more calming and re...
Come and check out this brand new Compilation of the cutest and funniest Huskies and Malamutes ever!
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