The Truth… Bhad Bhabie CopyCat...
HEY EVERYONE... Welcome BACK to my channel! Today I'm testing out the new Bhad Bhabie endorsed CopyCat Beauty makeup products! I g...
日本のドラックストアで 乾燥敏感肌用 として売られてる 無添加系 コスメの中 乳液6種類の成分をチェックしてみました 肌の弱い視聴者の皆さんもぜひ 自分に合うコスメを見つかりますように
HEY EVERYONE... Welcome BACK to my channel! Today I'm testing out the new Bhad Bhabie endorsed CopyCat Beauty makeup products! I g...
終於研究出了最好吃的酪梨莎莎醬了!! 因為太多人問了 於是直接拍成影片啦~ 酪梨愛好者快做做看🥑🥑🥑🥑🥑 沾玉米片或是配麵包都非常好吃! 而且還是素食的! 不吃素的人想再增添香味可以再另外加洋蔥 不過我不知道量多少就是了因為我不吃
ハナ「見して貸して触らして!!」 ]
HEY EVERYONE! Today Manny MUA came over to catch up and get ready together! It's been over a year since we filmed our first GET RE...
It's pretty on the outside, at least!
In this video, I feed my pet turtles some carrots and fish. Some of the turtles loved the carrots while others preferred the shad....
做了超級Juicy的豪華牛肉漢堡! 胖胖的肉跟Teriyaki配菜&Wasabi奶醬 每口可以享受豐富的美味。 大家一定要做做看~!(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و
Hey everyone! As promised, this is part 2 of my @Fenty Beauty By Rihanna look using all Fenty Beauty with a focus on the Money pa...
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