今天不准拉人中!! Sephora開箱試用1 挑戰全程微笑完妝

by Hello Catie

今天不准拉人中!! Sephora開箱試用1 挑戰全程微笑完妝


SephoraHaul TryOnHaul 彩妝開箱 影片中提到的東西Products I mentioned Charlotte TilburyMagic Foundation3 5超 好 用 很貼又很遮然後不厚重但稍乾 乾肌應該不適合喔JUNO COMicrofiber Fusion Sponge這個我要囤貨 Q度遮瑕度還有粉底貼合度都超棒的啊啊啊Too Facedborn this way concealerNude遮瑕度很好又不乾我喜歡 NARSSMUDGE PROOF EYESHADOW BASE無所畏眼影打底筆LightMilkBlur Set Matte Loose Setting Powder這個我用一用覺得定妝效果沒有很好耶搭這個常常變成眼影容易暈開benefit好上手眉筆616 BrandFilter Shot contour peachToo Facedcocoa contourSephoraMatte Perfection Blush DuosLancomeDual Finish Highlighter Multi Tasking Illuminating Powder01urban decayNaked Reloaded眼影我後來用都沒有暈當天可能是水土不服 Anastasia Beverly HillsDewy Set Setting Spray這個噴霧我覺得超普Kate凝色柔滑眼線膠筆BR1etude houseCurl Fix Mascarabite beauty LONGWEAR LIP STAINoutburst More Catie For business inquiries byumoe88 gmail com business only Hope you enjoy this video XO Catie FAQ What camera do you use使用的相機 Canon 80DWhat s your skin type我的膚質 Normal to dry中性 眼下偏乾 DISCLAIMER This is NOT a sponsored video Some of the links are affiliated 這 不是 合作影片 說明欄裡包含分潤連結



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