和風溫製百菇沙拉/和風温製きのこサラダ | MASAの料理ABC


和風溫製百菇沙拉/和風温製きのこサラダ | MASAの料理ABC


用到秋天的美食多種類的菇作成 溫製 沙拉 氣候比較涼時候吃這種沙拉非常適合的 用奶油炒到金黃色的菇超級香噴噴的跟麵包一起當早餐也很不錯 ๑ ᴗ و和風溫製百菇沙拉 和風温製きのこサラダ第4季 第7集 2人份 蘋果 Apple 1 4個醬油 Soy sauce 2大匙味淋 Mirin 2大匙白醋 Rice vinegar 1大匙黃芥末籽醬 Dijon mustard 1 2小匙鴻禧菇 Shimeji mushrooms 1包蘑菇 Mushrooms 3 4粒秀珍菇 Oyster mushrooms 3 4片柳松茸 Yanagi mushrooms 3 4片奶油 Butter 1小匙鹽巴 黑胡椒 Salt Black pepper 少許羅曼菜 Romain lettuce 3 4張牛番茄 Tomato 1 2個蘆筍 Asparagus 3 4支紫洋蔥 Red onion 少許海苔絲 Shredded nori 少許 食譜網站 www masa tw 食譜書 www masa tw masas book 鍋子 BEKA Titan 單柄平底鍋 24cm 砧板 W2 WOOD X WORK BGM 甘茶の音楽工房 BGM PremiumBeat Studio Le Bus BGM PremiumBeat Joe Sacco




  • by かじえりチャンネル 760

乾燥のこの時期にかけて潤いあるツヤ肌メイクをしてみたよ! 最近のメイクより比較的ナチュラルに仕上げてみました^^ リップとチークの組み合わせが特にお気にいり♡

30 How to Make STRAWBERRY ROCK...

  • by I Share U Watch 850

Welcome to Youtube Channel "I Share U Watch": https://tinyurl.com/y96cgtnc ====================================================== ...

Part 2 of June 23 Zoom Tangle ...

  • by Melinda Barlow CZT Inkidoodles 759

Part 2 you will see how to draw the tangle Ribbon'un by Kazue Lto CZT Here is the link to cruffel tangle also that I spoke about h...

I Got A Brow Perm For The Firs...

  • by Refinery29 1134

On this week’s Macro Beauty, we follow Mykaila and she gets her eyebrows laminated for the first time. She heads to Fiction L.A. t...

노오븐~ 청포도 치즈케이크 만들기 : No-Bake G...

  • by Cooking tree 쿠킹트리 821

투명한 젤리 안에 청포도가 가득 들어 있는 청포도 치즈케이크를 만들었어요~ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the d...


  • by sichenmakeupholic 981

Hi Everyone, today I'm here to show you guys my spring makeup for an everyday look that inspired by Bella Hadid and Kendall Jenner...