Rescue Tiny Bulldog Can Not Walking Was Surrendered - Wont Stop Talking

by Carlos Silva

Rescue Tiny Bulldog Can Not Walking Was Surrendered - Wont Stop Talking


When this bulldog puppy was rescued he was the size of a Coke can He can t walking at the beginning and wouldn t stop talking He growing up into a slightly larger slightly more obnoxious little boss Road Dogs Rescue is a Nonprofit in Southern California focusing on rescuing and rehabbing medical bulldogs puppies with birth defects and to spread love and compassion through outreach programs and education Phone 323 822 1912Email info roadogsandrescue orgMessage m me roadogsandrescue501 c 3 Non ProftTax ID 82 5017063Any request please feel free contact to us via crazytshirt outlook com Thank you for your watching



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