SALTED EGG DUCK - Vietnam stre...
Salted egg has a firm texture. When chewing, salted duck egg has a greasy and nutty flavor. Salted duck egg is a popular ingredien...
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Salted egg has a firm texture. When chewing, salted duck egg has a greasy and nutty flavor. Salted duck egg is a popular ingredien...
ハンモックで寛ぐまると、和太鼓の生演奏。BGMなしバージョン。Please thoroughly enjoy Maru relaxing on the hammock and the live performance of the Japanese drum....
mikancl original
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Rescue Beaver Loves Building Dams In His House | This woman lets a baby beaver build dams in the house and swim in the tub 5 times...
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今日は 珍しく 輸入物ではない 地物の 朝日蟹が 入っていたので 買って来ました! 元気が良い個体でしたが 冷蔵で 仮死状態の物を締めて 茹でました! 朝日蟹自体は 味が薄いので 《小海老の茹で物》の時に使う 醤油で頂きました! 赤唐辛子、小葱、ニンニク、カボ...
Pen and wash demonstration of a Simple Daisy Flower using a minimum of colors and simple techniques. Although I am not a flower pa...
アイスボックスクッキー♡ | Ice box cookies This is delicious cookies to share with friends and family! ベースになる生地はほぼ一緒です。 それに加えるものを少しアレンジして4種類のア...
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