2018年9月16日 20日 5日間の撮影録 10日目にして仲良くなった2匹の猫 先住猫 シャムエ と新入り子猫 ペポ のその後の進展状況 5日間分 です 暴れん坊の新入り子猫が以前より微かながらに素直さを見せ 次第に先住猫も心を開き 互いの関係が少しずつ良い方向へ進展中です BGM by AudioStock September 16th 20th 2018 5 day photograph It is the progress 5 days of the subsequent progress of the two cats that came to be friends on the 10 th day indigenous cat Shamue and newcomer kit Pepo Frightly fresh kitty cats showed slightly more frankness than before gradually the indigenous cat also opens the heart and the relationship between each other is gradually progressing little by little
뭐가 그리 할 말이 많은지 5년째 계속 말하는 고양이 쪼롱이, 근데 주인이 없을땐 미야옹 소리도 안내네..?
Сбор средств на дом и участок для животных: Карта сбербанка 4276 5500 5874 9378 Валеева Екатерина Сергеевна. Донаты: http://www.do...
Every animal on the farm has another animal on the farm they especially idolize! Bob the tailless kitten always follows around the...
Simple Recipe - Soft and Fluffy Ricotta cheese Soufflé Pancake. Enjoy with plenty of fruits :)
These sweet pit bulls have some VERY unusual little siblings, and they play so gently with them to make them feel safe. Today on O...
Deliciosa versión del famoso Tiramisú, con Cremoso de Chocolate y Café, bizcocho al Café, Ganache de Mascarpone y Vainilla, y Glas...
1/11発売のCelvokeの春夏新作コスメを紹介しました💕 『Dimensions of infinity~解き放たれて、まだ見ぬ私へ。』をテーマに大人気のリップスティック09番テラコッタと同じカラーのグロスとリップライナーが登場しました💕この動画を見て気に...
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