Anneka travels to sunny Florida, USA to meet Vicki Spencer, the founder of the Blue Bay Shepherd breed. Are these very popular wol...
箱に一緒に入って寛いでいるまるとはな そして並んでいたら 比べずにはいられない Maru Hana are relaxed in the box together
Anneka travels to sunny Florida, USA to meet Vicki Spencer, the founder of the Blue Bay Shepherd breed. Are these very popular wol...
#很考驗技術的一盤 #花了兩小時的眼妝 / 發問前請先詳閱資訊欄喔~感謝!! / / 如果你喜歡我的影片歡迎訂閱~我們下支影片再見囉♡ 粉絲專頁: Follow my Instagra...
Chalky? Powdery? Are these dose of colors highlighters really worth it?
I hope you enjoy this short timelapse video of "Brynhildr" - an oil and acrylic painting inspired by the Valkyries! 🦅
Thanks so much for tuning into my CHANEL - Les Beiges Collection 2019 video. Hope you enjoy! xoxo
私がいつも使ってるメイクポーチの中身を紹介してみました! たくさんのコスメを使うのでよく使うもの、あまり使わないもので 収納を分けています!なので、このポーチのアイテムはスタメンが多い!! 大きいけど1つにまとめておきたいのでこんな感じで中で仕切りを作って 使...
Nail Art Designs 2019 Easy - The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation | Amazing Nails 🌟 Subscribe for new videos :
Trinny's outfit of the day today is all about transforming something that looks fantastic on the website, envelops Trinny in real ...
Come with me on a mission to rescue my problematic plants that need rescuing. I will explain the problems (such as pests, sunlight...
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