my microblading experience | semi-permanent makeup

by itslikelymakeup

my microblading experience | semi-permanent makeup


savanna had a guest spot at my favourite tattoo hair studio we documented the process i show you a before after the next morning how is it done does it hurt watch to find out book with savanna studiosashiko com savanna dillonemail me itslikelymakeup hotmail comdisclaimer my brows were done free of charge in exchange for content thank you savanna



10/1発売 KATE2018秋新作シャドウ 阿島ゆめ【Mi...

  • by MimiTV 1042

👻10/1発売のフィットジェルグリッターを全色レビューしました。ちょっとホラーで刺激的なハロウィンぽいパッケージで可愛いですよね!💀 普段使いできるカラーからイベント向きのカラーまで、単色アイシャドウなので自分の好きなものだけ楽しめます! ぜひ試して見てくださ...