抹茶のパウンドケーキ【卵白消費】| Matcha Pound Cake -Gluten Free


抹茶のパウンドケーキ【卵白消費】| Matcha Pound Cake -Gluten Free


This recipe is matcha and adzuki pound cake made with extra egg whites for making sweets I used rice flour to make gluten free pound cake You can use canned or instant adzuki beans subtitles function The videos have English and Japanese subtitles You can switch subtitle from the three dots on the upper right of a smartphone screen On PC you can switch from the settings on the lower right subtitles menu Ingredients of 18 cm pound cake mold Egg white 120 gMilk 20 gSugar 80gRice flour 70 g You can substitute with flour Almond powder 70 gBaking powder 6 g 1 tbsp Matcha powder 6 g 1 tbsp Unsalted butter 100 gAdzuki 120 g the weight of adzuki after boiling Dried adzuki bean weighs more than 2 times when boiled You don t need to measure water to pour Please put the same amount of sugar as dry adzuki Bake in an oven at 170 C for 50 to 60 minutes Matcha LattePut 1 2 teaspoon of matcha powder into 100ml of hot water and whisk well Put milk and ice in a glass pour the matcha on ice and the layers will separate beautifully Recommende Matcha After subscribing to my channel if you click the bell mark you can receive new video notifications I would be grateful if I could get thumbs up We post unpublished photos and videos on YouTube to the Instagram I also have a preview of the next new video so please do follow it FacebookTwitterEmojoie Cuisine Recipe Book In Japanese



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