コスメブランド『MIRAGEM』(ミラジェム)を設立しました! 詳細はこちらから!https://miragem.co.jp/
This video shows you how to carve a water lily out of soap Satisfying video Materials needed Soap carving knife toothpickOptional water paint brush yellow food coloring My soap carving book is available My website Facebook instagram twitter My Etsy shop soap carving supplies About soap bars For carving I use commercial soap bars I buy them at a store that sells soap well Because I want to buy soap bars manufactured recently It s easy to carve a fresh and soft soap bar TIP When the soap is cold and hard warm it in a microwave for 10 to 15 seconds Then the soap bar get a little soft Music Artist YouTube Audio LibraryFresh Healthy Perspectives Birocratic Free Illustration ukiran sabun tallado de jabón escultura em sabonete 皂雕 แกะสล กสบ карвинг мыло الصابون نحت sapone intaglio My friend s link BOGO MOST AMAZING 10 MINUTES closed caption subtítulos keterangan tertutup legenda คำบรรยายใต ภาพ закрытая подпись تعليق مغلق didascalie 隐藏式字幕 Thank you for watcing I hope you enjoy it makiko
コスメブランド『MIRAGEM』(ミラジェム)を設立しました! 詳細はこちらから!https://miragem.co.jp/
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Nesse vídeo, eu ensino esse lindo arranjo de margaridas e flores de algodão de uma forma simples, para que você possa treinar seu...
We love creating room decor on a budget! Today we’ll be doing three DIY Room Decor projects that look so High End you will think t...
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• PRE-WASH and DRY the cotton fabric before cutting. Do not pre-wash the Sherpa Fleece •
レジンでカメオを作ってみました。 カメオのモチーフ部分は少し固めのアイシングが エッジの表現がしやすいかと思います。
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Watercolor Painting Timelapse Manga girl
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