
by 中文频道Vivekatt



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Hocker mit Frottee-Sitz | DIY ...

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Alte Handtücher werden mit einem paar Handgriffen zu einer tollen Sitzfläche für Hocker. Patricia Morgenthaler zeigt, wie's geht!

DIY: INCREDIBLE Crystal Studde...

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Help me grow!!? Screenshot this episode and share to your social media!!! :) SUBSCRIBE! - https://bit.ly/2MPzFC8 Instagram- https:...

앙금플라워 국화(대국) 꽃짜기 Chrysanthemum...

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※꽃짜기 정보※ 윌튼팁79,윌튼팁 59s, 윌튼팁 233번, 윌튼팁 104, 원형깍지 10번 꽃받침(네일) : 7번 꽃가위, 커플러(소), 짤주머니, 고무주걱, 스크레퍼, 케이크회전판 백옥앙금 조색:백넌초가루,단호박가루,쑥가루 구...

How to Create a Beaded Chain E...

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A simple beaded chain can turn any pendant or tassel into a beautiful necklace . my facebook www.facebook.com/turtlesoupbeads my ...