5 AMAZING Desserts for Hallowe...
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新年快樂 歡迎好新年 要過Lucy的一年就要吃紅色的食物 剛好上次影片分享的甜點的材料也可以介紹另外簡單傳統米飯料理 今年也繼續跟大家分享美味料理喔 本年もどうぞよろしくお願いします ๑ ᴗ و山下 勝 MASA 新年料理 好運氣 紅飯 ほっこり赤飯第5季 第12集 4人份 普通米 Rice 100g糯米 Sticky rice 200g 比率可以自己改喔 紅豆 Red beans 80g 水 Water 大約500cc 第2次煮紅豆時鹽巴 Salt 1 2小匙黑 白芝麻 Black white sesame 少許 紅豆水 Red bean water 300cc 米 紅豆水 1 1 食譜網站 www masa tw 食譜書 www masa tw masas book 砧板 W2 WOOD X WORK 鍋子 THERMOS 蘋果原味鍋單柄湯鍋18cm BGM 甘茶の音楽工房 BGM PremiumBeat Studio Le Bus BGM PremiumBeat Joe Sacco
Grab the RECIPE here: http://thescranline.com
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#strawberrymochi #전자렌지찹쌀떡 #Microwavecooking 딸기찹쌀떡 만들기 [재료 ingredient ] 건식찹쌀가루 300g glutinous rice flour 설탕30g sugar 소금 3g sal...
Soooo hello everyone!! If you didn’t already know my son Parker loves his huskies more than anything in the world! The bond they h...
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Hello lovelies!
Hi lovelies. In this video I am showing you how to make a reverse stamping design with powder!
On this October 2019 Bullet Journal monthly plan with me video I'll walk you through this very fall appropriate setup, which was i...
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