風格穿搭挑戰 |不日系的我 X 六套日系穿搭
剛剛失誤!!! 大家可以當作沒看到嗎哈哈哈哈哈 我們重來一次
GROW CHILLY PLANT FROM CHILLIES AT HOME WITHIN 8 DAYS DAIZZ S TIPS Growing a chilli plant from a seed can be a fun and easy endeavor Germinate chilli seeds in a warm consistent temperature and use a light compost to sprout seedlings Carefully transfer a seedling to a small pot keeping it warm and watered Upgrade pots as the plant grows or transfer it to your garden if the weather is warm enough Pick chillis off of your plant regularly as a flavorful addition to your meals Thank you for watching and please give me a Like and I would love you to SUBSCRIBE for regular updates and take a look at my other Videos thank u Creative Commons Attribution 3 0 Unported CC BY 3 0 Cartoon On On feat Daniel Levi NCS Release
剛剛失誤!!! 大家可以當作沒看到嗎哈哈哈哈哈 我們重來一次
안녕하세요~ 벌써 3번째 브이로그를 올리게 되었어요ㅎㅎ 요즘 제 영상을 재밌게 봐주시는 분들이 늘어난거 같아 정말 행복한 나날을 보내고 있답니다..ㅠㅠ 감사드려요♥♥ 그럼 이번 영상도 재밌게 시청해주세요:)
頂いたガムがなくなり仕方なく入れ物を取り合って遊んでる シベリアンハスキーのはっちゃんとトイプードルの9ちゃんでしたが 気に入ってしまいはっちゃん絶対渡したくないようです 激怒中です 笑
My absolute favourite 'sparkly topcoats' to achieve that cool-girl glossy eye OR to accessorise your fancy cut crease. So much roo...
寿司屋の仕込みの一部始終を動画で紹介しています よろしければチャンネル登録お願いします
Our entire shoe collection is here!!! we are doing a lot of decluttering, so we thought lets film this quick video and show you ev...
В этом видео ногти огородника и как с ними работать. Покажу подробный срез ножницами. Так же многие спрашивали и я покажу лайхфак ...
This weeks tutorial is a bit of fun! Using a bunch of new products, I have created an Ombre Winged Eyeliner with a flawless, radia...
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