How to Grow Chillies from Chillies at Home (Fast N Easy )

by Urban Gardener

How to Grow Chillies from Chillies at Home (Fast N Easy )


GROW CHILLY PLANT FROM CHILLIES AT HOME WITHIN 8 DAYS DAIZZ S TIPS Growing a chilli plant from a seed can be a fun and easy endeavor Germinate chilli seeds in a warm consistent temperature and use a light compost to sprout seedlings Carefully transfer a seedling to a small pot keeping it warm and watered Upgrade pots as the plant grows or transfer it to your garden if the weather is warm enough Pick chillis off of your plant regularly as a flavorful addition to your meals Thank you for watching and please give me a Like and I would love you to SUBSCRIBE for regular updates and take a look at my other Videos thank u Creative Commons Attribution 3 0 Unported CC BY 3 0 Cartoon On On feat Daniel Levi NCS Release




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