Sparkle and Co. June Sub bag Whats inside?

by Guylene 325

Sparkle and Co. June Sub bag Whats inside?


Thanks for all the love this month and goo luck everyone Please comment US or InternationalBelow to be entered in the final giveaway in June an entire Sparkle and Co dip system Be sure to enter all my giveaways for June I will be posting a video on July 4th announcing all winners I will not be contacting individuals So hit that bell make sure you are set to Public and subscribed to win First Order Referral ProgramMake sure you use my Youtube name GUYLENE325 in the referral area when completing first order you will receive a 9 00 credit and and I will receive a 9 00 credit as well You can use these credits towards any future orders on Sparkle Co website If you use my name in the referal area when ordering a Subscription box you get 18 Credit and I get an 18 credit Same thing if you refer someone else and they say your account name in referral YOU get another 9 or 18 credit when they make an account and order How cool is that member code within 7 days to purchase additional items Payment Cycle Any orders placed the 20th 10th will receive the next months SUB Boxes ship the 13th 20th Discount codes Maniology link use GUYLENE325this is an affiliate codeSparkle Co use GUYLENE15 for discount and Guylene325 for referralGroove Life ring code Born Prettyuse code Guy325 for 20 off 10 on any Beautybig bang use codeGL325Braves Diva PolishBraves Diva Polish Bleacher Creatures FB groupuv led lampMy watermarbling hat pinsEbasket foil wrapsE drillBits I useVideos you might like For beginners Stamping decals and WatermarbleHolo Taco reviewAll the watermarble you can standHow to apply Holo and Chrome Powder like a proEmail meGuylene325 hotmail comFollow me on instagram for bonus content and fun stuff Augie s InstagramMusic by Bensounds



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