Daily Challenge 23 / Acrylic /...
Here's my etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/duongtieng .I will be happy, if you find something interesting for yourselves
50 OFF OUR ORIGINAL KNIFE You ask we deliver How they say When the sun was hot and the grass was greener Well looking at the present picture we see no difference it s pure Joy all around in the Almazan Kitchen Forest After some hiking it s always great to have something to munch on We recommend this one recipe for Steak Sandwich Delicious and nourishing Ingredients Beef fillet Bread Help our channel to improve Follow us Special thanks to Danko Vukovic and Luxury Tandoors for huge support on Patreon
Here's my etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/duongtieng .I will be happy, if you find something interesting for yourselves
Who's ready to plan with me and set up their February Bullet Journal? Cherry blossoms galore! 🌸 Try out Squarespace! ‣ http://squa...
Charcoal grilled Mochi served with red bean paste - filmed in Matsusaka, Japan
月曜日にスタッフが亡くなりました。 長い長い年月ずっと一緒に苦楽を共にしてきた大切な友であり仲間でもある彼の突然死という現実をどうしても素直に受け止める事が出来ず、店の営業とともに動画の配信も休ませていただきました。 ほとんど毎日のように顔を合わせ、傍にいるこ...
♥ Follow Me On TikTok Here!! ♥ @maqaroon ♥ Toilet Paper DIYs ♥ https://youtu.be/zHx-mCTAFC0 I've started seeing a lot of punch nee...
♡ Subscribe! ♡ Watch in HD! ♡ IG: @makeupby_jaz _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Beauty queen Catriona Gray shares how she got her award-winning glow. Filmed at the Baccarat Hotel
楽しんでもらえたら「いいね」&チャンネル登録をお忘れなく! ・【コフレ購入品第1弾】使える物しか入ってない。コスメデコルテのコスメキットを徹底紹介! https://youtu.be/K4ZO2ljeeO4
ギャル変身シリーズ。今回はまさかのロリータのMAYUKAをギャルに変身させてしまいます! 折角メイクを終えたばかりのMAYUKAに忍び寄る影はお馴染みのMICRO!今回はどのようなメイクでギャルに変身させてしまうのでしょうか -----------------...
With the October calendar page tutorial we're covering autumn illustration, choosing a colour palette, and mixing paints to help y...
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