Cushion Ideas for Home Decor: Smocking Patterns | HandiWorks 121

by HandiWorks

Cushion Ideas for Home Decor: Smocking Patterns | HandiWorks 121


Cushion cases for Home Decor beautiful smocking patterns Decorate your home with these easy cushion ideas that add fun touches to every home Make some beautiful smocked bags pillowcases Smocked dresses cuffs and waistbands necklines or the bodice of a blouse Please the pattern should be drawn on the inner side of the fabric allow 2 3 inches on 4 sides for stitching Use tailors pencil or erasable pencil or crayons for marking The standard size of a square cushion is 16 by 16 inches needs 22 by 22 inches of fabric Smocking pattern creative sewing Canadian Smocking cushion ideas for home decor Pillow tutorial with Canadian Smocking Sewing pillow cases SUBSCRIBE LET S CONNECT Music Creative Commons Attribution 3 0 Unported CC BY 3 0



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