8 Tips for Perfectly Blended Rainbow Gradient Nails!

by Holo Taco

8 Tips for Perfectly Blended Rainbow Gradient Nails!


Launched on June 13 2020 Subscribe to the Holo Taco YouTube channel for more videos H O L O T A C O R A I N B O W C O L L E C T I O N 2 0 2 0 Note The Collector s Box set is now sold out but each of the 7 new polishes will continue to be restocked as supplies and production permits Make sure to grab your fave colours while they re in stock and follow us on socials for shade restock announcements 2020 Holo Taco Rainbow Collection includes 7 new linear holographic nail polishes Red Licorice Orange Drink Lemon Sucker Green Taffy Blue Freezie Purple Slushie Magenta JellyOther products used Protective base coat Long Lasting Base or Smoothing Base Glossy Taco or Super Glossy Taco About H O L O T A C OBoring nails Just add a Holo Taco Holo Taco is the creation of Cristine Rotenberg the personality behind the biggest nail art channel on YouTube Simply Nailogical Inspired by her love of all things holographic Cristine decided to launch her own nail polish brand to bring high quality special effects nail polishes to the masses Holo Taco is nail polish for people who aren t afraid to have a little fun It s about having nails that are bold playful a little badass and anything but boring Each polish is designed by Cristine and Holo Taco s products are vegan cruelty free So what do you think Tag holotaco and holotaco with your orders on social media and show us your holo tacos Follow the holo Dab dab dab make your rainbow nails fab Cristine



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