Summertime Essential Oils Soap Be KindWILD SUMMER COLLECTION | Royalty Soaps

by Royalty Soaps

Summertime Essential Oils Soap Be KindWILD SUMMER COLLECTION | Royalty Soaps


Trollop through sunny flower fields with your best buds as you inhale the earthy botanical scents On the first Saturday of every month I release a collection of soaps for purchase at the link below We do not consistently restock all the soaps you see on this channel but release brand new designs with the occasional throwback We also hand craft perfume oils diamond soaps body lotions sulfate free shampoo bars and other goodies Get cash back at over 2 000 retailers 100 free Get 40 in free travel credit Get 18 meals for 3 33 each The only meal service I use Use code KATIEWCARSON30 at checkout Get 10 off your first grocery delivery I use this 2x a week minimum Olive Oil 40 Coconut Oil 30 Palm Oil Organic RSPO Certified and 20 Sweet Almond Oil 5 Castor Oil 5 Superfat 5 Lye Concentration ie Lye Solution Strength 35 Have a soap design you think I should create Color it up and send it my way with your mailing address on the back of each design and if I pick yours I will send you a bar of YOUR created soap design for free Katie CarsonP O Box 1025Terrell Texas75160OR you can send it in digitally in the format below to designs royaltysoaps comSubject your soap name SOAP DESIGN Please include your shipping address in the email so we can ship you a bar I m so grateful that I get to occasionally work with brands I actually like to create sponsored videos Their direct support helps keep this channel afloat in the ever unstable world of YouTube ad revenue These videos will always be disclosed of course and I appreciate everyone s kind support for these partnerships Royalty Soaps also participates in commission or discount affiliations like Amazon or RewardStyle as these opportunities become available like Amazon and RewardStyle and while the money we make with these links isn t much every little bit counts and once again we really appreciate your support These products will always be marked and disclosed with a



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