ご視聴ありがとうございます❤️ 本日は2020年上半期の企画で使用した オススメコスメでメイクをしました💄 チャンネル登録&高評価よろしくお願いします! 失礼致します。
One of my main missions when I visited Addis Ababa Ethiopia was to learn about how to cook what is for sure one of the most special of all Ethiopian foods doro wat ዶሮ ወጥ Of course they do serve it at restaurants in Addis Ababa but there s nothing like seeing the entire process of a dish especially a stew like doro wat from start to finish beginning with a chicken and finishing by eating It s a very complicated dish to make and it takes utmost care and time I want to say a huge thank you to Belaneh and his family for graciously inviting us to their home and for cooking the most amazing doro wat or even Ethiopian food meal ever What is doro wat ዶሮ ወጥ Doro means chicken and wat means stew so it s an Ethiopian chicken stew It s a very special dish to eat in Ethiopia not an everyday food because it takes so much time to prepare properly As many Ethiopians told me it s a dish they often eat when family comes together and during special holidays and religious days I would go as far as saying Doro Wat is one of the best dishes in the world The complexity yet harmony of spices the richness the contrast of taste when paired with injera your taste buds will be blown off your tongue Thank you to Bela and his incredible family they took no shortcuts on making doro wat and beyond the delicious food it was so extremely special to get to know them and hang out with them We first went to the fresh wet market in Addis Ababa to buy a chicken the live chicken We then gathered a few more ingredients including the chopped red onions which is the main component of doro wat sauce and went back to Bela s home Butchering a chicken in Ethiopian due to some of the Ethiopian Orthodox traditions needs to be butchered in a certain way and washed and cleaned many times It was by far the most cleansed chicken I ve ever seen or eaten The onions simmered for a few hours before we started adding in the berbere blend spice and finally the chicken went in to brew with the amazing spices To eat Ethiopian food you first typically build a plate or platter of injera and then scoop the food onto the injera We all shared a platter and scooped on the beautiful doro wat It was unbelievably delicious so rich and packed with spice Again thank you to Bela and his wife and baby for cooking us one of the most special meals you can eat in Ethiopia CAMERA GEAR I used to make this video these are affiliate links I would love to connect with you
ご視聴ありがとうございます❤️ 本日は2020年上半期の企画で使用した オススメコスメでメイクをしました💄 チャンネル登録&高評価よろしくお願いします! 失礼致します。
提供:カバーマーク株式会社 「カバーマーク シルキー フィット」
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