VLOG 30 What I ate in HONG KON...
Hello, this is Honeykki! Recently, I went to Hong Kong with my friend. We love bread and coffee. So, we had lots of it. I love th...
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Hello, this is Honeykki! Recently, I went to Hong Kong with my friend. We love bread and coffee. So, we had lots of it. I love th...
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Watercolor Landscape Painting :Morning fog on lake
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私の中で今期イチオシなプチプラリップ♡ ヴィセリシェ の新作マイレッドルージュの全色レビューです! 以前KOSEさんとお仕事をした時にいただいたのですが この商品は今年っぽい質感でまさに求めていた商品だったので ぜひ皆さんに紹介したい!と思い動画にしました^^
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