ありがたいのですが 決してご無理なく つむ氏 とコロちゃん のほしいものリストリスト公開の経緯は下の動画から 名前 つむニックネーム つむちゃん ツムツム おつむさん等性別 女の子誕生日 2019年9月17日年齢 およそ6ヶ月猫種 スコティッシュフォールド得意技 おねだりの鳴き声とかわいいポーズ一言 これからよろしくお願いします Twitter 折れ耳スコティッシュフォールドのつむちゃん の生活をお届けしています ねこの日常と癒しさをお届けできたら幸いです
HEY EVERYONE... Welcome BACK to my channel! Today one of my favorite makeup artists is back! Mmmmitchell was here in LA for an eve...
平時去買餸有無人會好似我咁, 專登揀啲形狀奇奇怪怪嘅嚟買。 今次就用角落食物「怪檸」 整蒜香檸檬無骨雞脾扒。 比人遺忘左嘅角落食物其實都可以整到美食!
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video where I try out the new Colourpop Sailor Moon collection and give you my thoughts! Hope y...
Dear Oversea Viewers, Thank you for watching my video everytime. I would like you to know more about our Japanese seafood. ...
I was at a loss for what to do with March birthstones, as Aquamarine is a more expensive pick. We went with an affordable yet gorg...
A poor homeless dog was hit by car a long time without treatment and his back legs, spin were broken. He was got out from the woo...
부산대 근처에 가면 먹을수 있는 햄에그치즈 파츄리 사장님의 파츄리 두드리는 솜씨가 예사롭지 않네요~
- 수제비는 추억이 많이 담긴 음식 중에 하나인데요~ 오늘은 김치를 넣어 칼칼한 국물 맛을 내어봤어요. 엄마의 손맛이 얼큰한 김치 수제비에 가득 담겼어요~ '영상에 어떻게 보여질까..' 걱정 반, 설렘 반으로 함께 부추전까지 만들었는...
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