驚異のレタリング アート 2019 !【77】 フリーハンド...
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Haute Couture is the dream the fashion week that makes students go to fashion school to study fashion design Couture is hand made made to order it requires hours of work and it is only for the happy few who can afford a 10 000 dress How comes we have Couture fashion week and ready to wear fashion week How comes we have both things within the fashion industry which fashion houses do both Why is Haute Couture so expensive Thumbs up if you liked this video New videos Wednesday 4pm Sunday 12pm Paris Berlin time Take care Justine To contribute subtitles under any of my videos Thanks a lot to everyone who has already translated some of my videos MORE VIDEOS Women s ideal body through history 6 Fashion Trends that are in fact very old 25 types of hats from history LINKS THINGS MENTIONEDSaint Laurent Dior Valentino Margiela Chanel Collection Les clochards by Galliano for Dior 2002 Lesage embroidery Massaro shoes Lognon pleating I AM WEARING Lipstick P2 Forever Cayenne Visuals archive of the brands shows except Saint Laurent Saint Laurent museum in Paris Music SOCIAL My website current clothing collection www justineleconte com shopShop the Stilnest jewelry collection Instagram JustineLeconteFacebook Justine Leconte FashionTwitter JustineLeconteOPinterest jleconteberlinNewsletter registration info about new projects re stock Business requests only info justineleconte com Legal disclosure those links are affiliate links There are here for you to see the products and prices If you buy a product through these links I get a small share of the price without the product being more expensive for you You don t have to use those links It is up to you hautecouture fashion designers
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