いつも朝一番に起きるムスビですが たま にがっつり寝坊することがあります そして なぜかわたしが怒られます ムスビ 5歳2キロの小さい豆猫です ฅ ω ฅ わが家に来たいきさつはコチラ 猫好きな方 仲良くしてください ω チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします
To get this complete recipe with instructions and measurements, check out my website: http://www.LauraintheKitchen.com
Matcha White Chocolate Mousse Cake - A flourless chocolate cake followed by a layer of white chocolate mousse and topped with a wh...
This Instant Pot Takikomi Gohan is Japanese mixed rice with chicken and vegetable pressure cooked in a savory dashi broth. It mak...
※ ※ ※ Subtitles function ※ ※ ※ The videos have English and Japanese subtitles. Turning on subtitles will show you the instruction...
A big thank you to NYX Professional Makeup for Sponsoring my Coachella '19 trip!
Hi everyone - I was getting requests from template customers to make a separate large rose tutorial. This rose is made similar to ...
엄마 고양이 수리도 아이같은 모습을 가지고 있어요
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHTⓒ2018 those sweet words ALL RIGHT ...
我們很高興地介紹化妝品在這裡♡INTEGRATE超級保底https://goo.gl/oJTWgm VISEE更豐富CC遮瑕https://goo.gl/c5vzVH ClearLast香粉藥用赭石一個https://goo.gl/C1pZiN VISEE色環...
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