介紹一個很懷念的感覺的布丁的做法非常滑潤的口感有濃郁風味大家一定要試試看喔 ๑ ᴗ و洋食屋風の濃口布丁 洋食屋さん風濃厚ふわとろプリン 18cm x 1個分 焦糖 砂糖 Sugar 100g水 Water 30cc雞蛋 Eggs 5個牛奶 Milk 450cc鮮奶油 Heavy cream 50cc砂糖 Sugar 125g 如果可以的話請幫我翻譯英文字幕 m _ _ m 謝謝 Contribution for texting 中文 English caption is much appreciated Instagram Instagram com masa_cookingram 食譜書 www masa tw masas book 沙拉油 泰山均衡369健康調合油 TAISUN 369 Blend Oil 砧板 W2 WOOD X WORK 鍋具 BEKA Kitchen Roc晶石鍋系列 26cm 單柄平底鍋 鍋具 THERMOS 蘋果原味鍋單柄湯鍋18cm BGM MusMus甘茶の音楽工房PremiumBeat Studio Le BusPremiumBeat Joe SaccoPremiumBeat J Kyon
Grab the RECIPE here: http://thescranline.com
Max helps me make some jello shots... well he just kind of throws everything while I try to make them.
그리 특별할 것은 없지만.., 소소한 일상을 함께 나누고싶어요^^ 스쿱이의 일상편 재밌게 봐주셨으면 좋겠습니다 :)
제니스리의프랑스자수:..스탬프 효과가 나는 6월의 아마꽃으로 백스티치만으로 수 놓기, 작은글씨 수 놓기, little letter-stitch, making a tussle, embroidery gift, stamp effect
Kelly from Off the Beaded Path, in Forest City, North Carolina shows how to make a beautiful bracelet using two hole cabochons. W...
New Nail Art 2018 💄😱 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation #102
+ 본 영상은 시세이도와 함께 합니다. + + Video sponsored by Shiseido. +
完成サイズ約 横28cm 縦11cm マチ12cm
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