
by nanakoななこ



またたくさんダイソー通っていいコスメ探してメイクしよーーっとこんにちは ななこです 今日もご視聴ありがとうございます Instagram Twitter フォローも待ってます たくさんリプ コメントしてね



Time-Lapse: Beautiful Cacti Bl...

  • by National Geographic 1009

Filmmaker Greg Krehel captures 15 varieties of stunning Echinopsis cactus flowers blooming in this incredible time-lapse. The proc...

Funny PARRROTS & BIRDS Compila...

  • by Funny Vines 1583

Come check out this brand new all birds weekly compilation filled with funny clips, bloopers and moments of ducks, parrots, chicke...

Shockingly Lazy way to make Ch...

  • by Spice N' Pans 953

If you ran out of noodles at home but you have plain flour and cornflour, you're in luck. You can make this bowl of super yummy Ch...


  • by ちえとく 1046
