Stuck at Home? Bake these Vanilla Cupcakes Right Now! | Baking Kit | Cupcake Jemma

by CupcakeJemma

Stuck at Home? Bake these Vanilla Cupcakes Right Now! | Baking Kit | Cupcake Jemma


Crumbs Doilies is a small company with no investors or financial backing other than what we put into it and I d like to thank each and every one of you guys for carrying on supporting us through this incredibly tough time Every Cupcake Kit and item of merch we sell on the Cupcake Jemma website will go towards helping us survive this outbreak and ensuring we are still here baking cakes making videos and spreading the love once it s all over We can t do it without you and we ve all been incredibly moved by the amount of support out there for us We promise to keep the videos coming during the lockdown and stay tuned because we ll be adding more Cake Kits to the store very soon Jemma x For the Vanilla Cupcake Sponge 125g Self Raising Flour 125g Caster Sugar 1 4 tsp Bicarbonate of Soda 125g Soft Unsalted Butter 2 Eggs 1 5 tbsp Whole Milk 1 4 tsp Vanilla Extract For the Vanilla Buttercream 200g Soft Unsalted Butter 320g Icing Sugar 3 tbsp Whole Milk 1 4 tsp Vanilla Extract SUBSCRIBE FOR WEEKLY VIDS MY INSTAGRAM cupcakejemmaCAKESTAGRAM crumbsanddoiliesSally sallydellsVISIT OUR SHOP Crumbs Doilies1 Kingly CourtLondonW1B 5PW




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