stationery haul // JIANWU store

by milkcloud

  stationery haul  // JIANWU store


Hi dear friends I m not really sure when the last time I filmed a stationery haul video was but we re back with another one Everything in this video is from the aliexpress store jianwu They were kind enough to let us choose some stationery items for this video The link to everything is down below in case you re interested and there s also a discount code which is JWMK10 Hope you enjoy and as always thank you so so much for watching Lots of love Milkcloud about JIANWU Store You can use the code JWMK10 for 10 discount on all orders over 1 products I got want to support us social media songs Winter flower younha ft RM piano cover by smyang want to send us a letter postcards etc Milk Cloud Postfach 614471077 Herrenberg GERMANY Contact Milkcloudd gmail com



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