【潤你個肺】中醫食譜|南北杏雪耳桃膠糖水 [Eng Sub]
有咩問題想預約睇症: 醫師ig https://instagram.com/ec_leungcha?igshid=1qh7grn1t62wq
蔬菜和肉糜的搭配中 釀菜算是最經典的壹種 香菇 苦瓜 茄子拿來釀肉都不稀奇 但是豆角釀肉想必很多人沒見過 像編花環壹樣把長豇豆編成容器 釀入肉糜 稍稍煎壹下就很好吃 做起來簡單又好玩 絕對讓妳對自己的手藝充滿自信 Among all the combinations of vegetables and ground pork stuffed vegetable is a classic We ve all seen and tasted that of mushrooms bitter gourds and eggplants but I guess few of you have tried cowpeas stuffed with ground pork It is a dish where you braid cowpeas like a wreath and fill that with ground pork and gently sear the end product Making it the fun enough and tasting it is even more enjoyable
有咩問題想預約睇症: 醫師ig https://instagram.com/ec_leungcha?igshid=1qh7grn1t62wq
↓是非チャンネル登録宜しくお願いします! https://goo.gl/6BYhcn
It was drawn by the three primaries and white. This is my original art.
Street Food Festival " ULICHNAYA EDA. CHEAT MEAL " in Kiev, Ukraine
完成サイズ 11cm×7cm マチ3cm
提供 : Natural Majesty
もも「まったく天ったらいつまでたっても手がかかるんだから」 天 「まったくももっていつまでたっても心配性だよニャ」
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